What Your Water Is Telling You: Understanding The Signs Of Well Water Trouble

Posted on: 3 June 2015


Having well water can be a great sense of freedom from the city water supply, but that doesn't mean it isn't without its problems. Issues with residential wells can go far beyond the initial drilling and installation process. Here's a look at a few common well problems you might experience and what you need to know to deal with them.

No Water Flowing Through the Tap

If you're turning on the tap and no water is flowing, there's a few different things that could be to blame. First, check the circuit panel for your well pump. Make sure that the breaker for the pump isn't tripped. If it is, reset it and try the faucet again. This should resolve the problem.

Sometimes, the issue is beyond the breaker panel. In that case, you'll need to talk to a water well drilling company about inspecting both your pump and your well. If the pump is malfunctioning, that's a key reason why you aren't seeing water. On the other hand, the pump may be fine, but your well water level could be below the pickup line, which means the well drilling company needs to lower the pump.

Low or Dropping Water Pressure

Well water cycles through a filtration system that consists of a series of pipes and a screen. Over time, debris can back up in the screen and the pipes, causing clogs and slow water flow. If your water pressure is low, it's in your best interest to work with a well water specialist who can inspect and flush your filtration system.

Sediment in Your Water

You'll usually only see visible sediment in your tap water if your well pump is drawing sand from the well. While there are many causes for this, it's imperative to have it professionally assessed, because sediment in the well pump could cause it to seize.

Fizzing in The Water

If you're seeing fizzing or bubbles in the water, it's probably due to the presence of gas in the lines. This often happens due to air or carbon dioxide in the system. Unfortunately, there are other gasses that could be to blame. That's why it's important that you never assume that the problem is just air or carbon dioxide. Have your water tested right away, because gases like radon and methane can also cause this.

In addition to gas in the lines, another reason for bubbles in the water is a break in your plumbing line. This can let air into the system, causing air bubbles in the water coming from your tap.

If you're new to having a well, symptoms like this can be confusing. With the information here, you know what can cause these problems and how to react to them. Call a company like Henderson Well & Pump Co. for more advice about how to manage your well.